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Past Races

SnDateConditionsRaceDetailsFieldPrize PoolWinnerTime
5 30Oct15-KEE slw 2m UP WITH THE STAZ 3YR Progress W0-4 3 $18.00 See The Stazs 3:16.66
5 25Oct15-KEE fst 1¼ m UP WITH THE STAZ 3YR cl $15 W0+ 3 $4.50 Nod Off 2:17.58
5 21Oct15-KEE hvy 1¼ m UP WITH THE STAZ 3YR Progress W0-4 4 $12.00 El Duffer 1:59.50
5 7Oct15-KEE slw 1¼ m UP WITH THE STAZ 3YR W0+ 7 $34.00 Heathfield Classic 2:15.75