Following up on this original post:
https://www.sportofkings....aspx?g=posts&t=41481) The schedule was compressed from 4 to 3 months.
2) Recovery time has been adjusted
-- penalty that was previously applied between 2 and 5 days has been removed so most horses merely need the 2 days off now
-- for now we will not be changing anything else but may revisit the amount of time a horse can go before becoming 'unfit' to match the new pace of the schedule.
3) "Over Racing" cutoffs have changed accordingly
-- type of penalty (number of races in 30 days)
-- Large penalty (5 > 7)
-- Modest penalty ( [3-5] > [5-7] )
4) Total purse money remains mostly unaffected.
5) The qualifier schedule starts earlier
6) Added a new week at the beginning of the schedule with better fillers
7) Maiden wins will not count for any age in the champs
8) The 3yr old group will now be incurring weight penalties as previously described